摘要:Founded in 1954, LANDI RENZO S.P.A is the largest company of the LandiGroup and an international leader in the production of CNG and LPG controlsystems for automotive applications. The other companies in the Landi Groupinclude Landi Renzo Brazil; ..
Founded in 1954, LANDI RENZO S.P.A is the largest company of the LandiGroup and an international leader in the production of CNG and LPG controlsystems for automotive applications. The other companies in the Landi Groupinclude Landi Renzo Brazil; GNV Conversion C.A. in Venezuela; A.E.B. America inArgentina; Landi Renzo USA Corporation and Baytech Corporation in USA; BeijingLandi Renzo Autogas Systems, in China; Landi Renzo India; Landi Renzo PakLimited in Pakistan; Landi Renzo Pars, in Iran; Eurogas, in The Netherlands;Landi Renzo Polska, in Poland; Landi Renzo RO in Romania; Lovato Gas, A.E.B.,Safe and Emmegas in Italy Backed by years of experienceand powerful ability on research, development and production, Landi Renzoalways stays on the global leading position in the field of alternative fuels.Inclusive of traditional mixer systems and multi‐point sequential gas injection systems which standfor the highest level in the industry, Landi Renzo SPA has a complete range ofproducts. Considering the performance, environmentalcompatibility/sustainability and economics, the performance-cost ratio of ourproduction is approbated with clients. 朗第伦索拥有多年研发、生产的丰富经验和强大实力,公司成立以来一直位居全球替代燃料领域领导地位。朗第伦索拥有完备的产品线,包括传统的混合器系统,以及多点顺序喷射燃气系统,后者代表了行业的最高标准。从产品的性能、环保性/可持续发展性到经济性,朗第伦索产品质量广受用户赞誉。 We have a goal: to help makethe world go round in the right direction. 我们的目标:为世界朝着正确的方向前进助一臂之力。 We lead the way intechnologies for environmentally friendly mobility, producing vehiclecomponents for alternative fuels, LPG and natural gas. With 60 years in thebusiness, our technologies have helped make LPG and natural gas fuelledvehicles increasingly popular. Today we continue to open up new horizons withresearch into ways of using new fuels such as hydrogen. We do all this in 60countries on all 5 continents, working with world's biggest and most importantautomotive companies. We want to maintain ourposition of prominence in a rapidly growing market, responding to theincreasingly urgent demands for sustainable development. 在当今快速发展的市场环境中,朗第伦索将百尺竿头更进一步,满足世界对可持续发展不断增加的迫切需求。