日本岛津制作所总部设立在日本京都,自1875年创业以来,“以科学 技术为社会作贡献”是岛津公司一贯的宗旨。为充分满足日益多样化的社会需求,岛津公司生产出一系列科学领先,性能卓越的医疗器械、分析仪器、测试仪器、航空设备、半导体机器等。其中磁悬浮涡轮分子泵在半导体、液晶面板制造、大面积玻璃镀膜设备(LOW-E 生产线)上大量采用,此外在LNG 气瓶公司也有成功应用。 岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司是日本岛津制作所的海外分公司,主要是为了拓展岛津制作所在中国国内的业务,满足顾客对于岛津公司及其附属公司生产的高科技分析和测试仪器、医疗器械及产业机械等产品日益增长的需要,更有效、更及时地提供优质的服务。 Sinceits establishment in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation has been constantly committedto the fulfillment of the dreams of both individuals and the society. Each generationof this company has challenged itself to develop the most advance technologyand to provide our customers with a variety of technological products in a multitudeof fields. We proudly state as our corporate credo: “Contributing to theSociety through Science and Technology” and are committed to realizing our coreoperation principle: “for the Well-being of both mankind and the Earth”. Mainproducts: Turbo-molecular pumps (TMP series); Helium Lead Detector (MSEseries); An alytical and Measuring instruments.