道达尔公司是全球四大石油化工公司之一,总部设在法国巴黎,业务范围覆盖全球超过110个国家。 T otal is set tobecom ethefirst m ajor oilcom panytoinvest inBritain"snascent shalegas industry,boostingthe industry"s profile inacountryseenasoneof E urope"sstrongestprospects for unconventional oil andgas devel-opm ent. T heFrench group issetto com m it30m illionpounds($50m illion)todrillingfor shalegas inLincolnshire,incentral England,sourcesfam iliar w iththem atter toldR euters.A T otalspokesm anw ouldnot confirm anydetails,butsaid an announcem entw ould be m ade onM onday.
T he investm ent is tinyinoil industryterm s-andespeciallysm all inthe context of the tensofbillionsofdollarsspentevery yearbyT otal.H ow ever,havingsuchalarge player as apartner w ill be afeather inthe capof industrym innow s D art E nergy,E gdonR esources,IG asandeC O R P,w ithw hichT otal w ill partner ontw oexplorationlicenses.
这一投资在石油行业里数额微小,尤其跟道达尔每年数百亿美元的支出相比更是如此。但拥有这样一个重量级合作伙伴对行业内的其他企业来说将是一件引以为傲的事。道达尔将与D artEnergy、EgdonR esources、IG as、eC O R P等公司合作共用两项勘探许可证。(路透社)
T he deal,tobe announcedonM onday,w illbe seenas a bigvote of confidence inthe U K"sfledgling shaleindustry.T hecoalition hasm adetheexploitationof Britain"s unconven-tional gas reserves a toppriority.
T he governm ent previouslyunveileda pack-age of reform s toencourage developm ent intheindustry.T heyincludednew planningguidelinestom aketheprocess of approvingnew drillingsitesm orestream lined,andaconsultationontaxincentives toencourage exploration.Com m u-nitiesaffected byshalegasdrilling arealsoexpectedtoreceive £100,000in“com m unitybenefits”and1% of productionrevenues.
G eorge O sborne,chancellor,has arguedthatshalehas“hugepotential”tobroadenBritain"senergym ix,createthousands of jobs andkeepenergybills low .
Shalegashashelpedboost thedom esticenergyindustryin theU S in recent years,w hereoil productionhas risenandgas priceshave plum m eted.M ajor oil com panies w aitedform orethanfiveyears beforeinvestinginshalegas productioninthe U S,but the U K w ill re-ceivethism ajor oil andgas com panybackingw hile the industryis still inits infancy.
But the entryof T otal w ill antagonise anti-shalecam paigners w hoarestronglyopposedtofracking.T heysaytheprocess,w hichinvolvesinjectingw ater,sandandchem icals undergroundat highpressureintoshalerocktoreleasetheoil and gastrapped inside,can contam inategroundw ater andcauseearthquakes.T heyalsow orryabout theair pollutionandheavytrafficresultingfrom large-scale frackingoperations.