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实干笃行争春早,奋楫扬帆开好局。日前,大顶子山水电站2#机组经过170小时的试运行,机组各项参数正常、运行平稳,标志着江航电力公司独立完成的第三台贯流式1.1万千瓦时水电机组大修项目顺利收官。 该项目作为龙高集团2024年水电板块的重点维护项目,自去年12月27日启动以来,江航电力公司始终坚持对标行业规范和一流检修标准,精细化制定检修定额和施工方案,仅用时100天,顺利完成了拆卸、厂修、回装、调试四个阶段,共23个大类,230个小项的施工任务。期间还完成技术改造项目2个,专项消缺处理10个,定子、转子、轴电流、电流互感器等电气试验11次,检测数据与试验结果全部达到行业标准要求,为发电机组安全稳定运行和提高机组综合发电小时率提供了有力保障。 下一步,公司将继续深入扎实开展深化能力作风建设“抓基层、打基础、强落实、见实效”活动,提升检修精细化、标准化、专业化水平,加快形成新质生产力,全面提升检修专业化整体水平,铆足劲头、奋勇向前,以奋斗姿态助推龙高集团事业发展,用实干逐梦启航新征程。 Hard work and practice for early spring, erect erect sails to open a good bureau. Recently, the 2# unit of Ddingzi Shanshui Power Station after 170 hours of trial operation, the parameters of the unit are normal and the operation is stable, marking the successful conclusion of the third tubular 11,000 KWH hydropower unit overhaul project independently completed by Jianghang Electric Power Company. As a key maintenance project for the hydropower sector of Longao Group in 2024, since its launch on December 27 last year, Jianghang Electric Power Company has always adhered to the standard industry norms and first-class maintenance standards, and formulated overhaul quotas and construction plans in a fine way. It only took 100 days to successfully complete four stages of disassembly, plant repair, reassembly and commissioning, with a total of 23 categories. 230 minor construction tasks. During the period, 2 technical transformation projects were completed, 10 special defect elimination treatments were completed, and 11 electrical tests were conducted on stator, rotor, shaft current, current transformer, etc. The test data and test results all met the industry standard requirements, providing a strong guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the generator set and the improvement of the integrated generation hour rate of the unit. In the next step, the company will continue to deepen the ability to deepen the style of construction "grasp the grassroots, lay the foundation, strong implementation, see results" activities, improve the overhaul refinement, standardization, specialization level, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, comprehensively improve the overall level of overhaul specialization, vet full strength, forge ahead, and strive to promote the development of Longao Group. Set sail on a new journey with hard work and dream. |