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摘要LNG液化成本占LNG新项目总开发费用的比例较大,液化成本的压缩对项目总成本的节省有着重要作用。低油价下,LNG新建项目("绿地"项目)与石油新建项目之间的竞争越来越激烈,多数LNG在建项目的经费已大幅超支,节约成本迫在眉睫。相比之下,LNG扩建项目("棕地"项目)的液化开发成本、液化运营成本以及单位液化成本相对较低,备受LNG项目开发商的青睐,已成为节省成本最明智的选择。但是,不同地区、项目、环境以及其他因素都会对成本产生影响,因此准确的成本分析还需根据不同的情景有针对性的进行。The proportion of LNG liquefaction cost in LNG new project total cost is relatively high, the compression of liquefaction cost has important effect on the saving of total project cost. Under low oil price, the competition between LNG newly built projects ( greenfield projects) and petroleum newly built projects is increasingly fierce. The costs of most LNG projects under construction sharply overspend, and cost saving is imminent. Compared with LNG newly built projects (greenfield projects), the liquefaction development cost, liquefaction operation cost and liquefaction cost per unit of LNG expansion projects (brownfield projects) are relatively low, and they are highly favored by LNG project developers, having been the wisest choice of cost saving. But, different regions, projects, environments and other factors will all have influence Upon cost, so accurate cost analysis should make a targeted analysis according to different scenarios.
作者陈璐 白桦Chen Lu Bai Hua(Research Institute of Natural Gas Market, CNPC Economics & Technology Research Institute, Beijing 100724, China)
出处《当代石油石化》 CAS 2017年第2期29-32,共4页Petroleum & Petrochemical Today
关键词LNG 棕地 绿地 成本LNG, brown field, green field, cost

F416.22 [经济管理—产业经济] TE68 [石油与天然气工程—油气加工工程]

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