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摘要:提前布置 备战暑运针对夏天高温、高湿、多雷暴的特殊天气,以及航班大幅增长带来的双线作战考验,公司党委先后召开专题会议学习习近平总书记关于防汛救灾工作的系列重要指示精神,从提高思想认识、强化针对性应急预案演练、完善汛期应急物资储备、加强航煤资源保障、..


提前布置 备战暑运


烟台公司航空加油站严格落实公司党委“暑运”防暑、防汛、防台工作要求,值班干部加强机坪现场作业监管,在现有基础上加大跟班作业频次,防止作业人员发生中暑现象;开展高温防护,中暑急救培训,利用早交班会培训宣传防暑降温知识和中暑应急处置知识;加强汛期尤其雨季油品质量排沉检查频次,严把油品质量源头关;科学排班,减少加油员连续在外作业时间,做好突发事件的提前预判;维修班提前开展作业车辆设备设施检查维修工作,重点检查车辆空调制冷系统;强化汛期期间T2机坪供油保障风险管控,坚决杜绝机坪油品“跑、冒、漏”等现象。Prepare for the summer holiday in advance

The deployment arrangements are made from the aspects of improving ideological understanding, strengthening targeted emergency plan drills, improving emergency material reserves in flood season, strengthening aviation coal resources guarantee, and paying attention to the ideological dynamics of employees. At the same time, the company's leaders are sinking the first line, commanding the front, strengthening supervision and inspection, especially in bad weather, insisting on 24-hour shift duty, and making concerted efforts to do a good job of safe production during the summer season.

The aviation gas station of Yantai Company strictly implements the work requirements of the company's Party committee for "summer transportation" heat prevention, flood prevention and Taiwan prevention, and the on-duty cadres strengthen the supervision of the on-site operation of the apron, increase the frequency of the operation on the existing basis to prevent the occurrence of heat stroke among the operators; Carry out high temperature protection, heat stroke first aid training, use the morning shift training to publicize heat stroke prevention and cooling knowledge and heat stroke emergency treatment knowledge; Strengthen the inspection frequency of oil quality discharge in flood season, especially in rainy season, and strictly control the source of oil quality; Scientific scheduling, reduce the continuous working time of the refueling personnel, and do a good job in advance prediction of emergencies; The maintenance team carried out the inspection and maintenance of the equipment and facilities of the working vehicles in advance, focusing on the inspection of the air-conditioning and refrigeration system of the vehicles; Strengthen the risk control of T2 apron oil supply guarantee during flood season, and resolutely prevent the phenomenon of "running, risking, and leaking" of apron oil products.

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