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2014-06-11去年下半年,由于EVA(聚乙烯醋酸乙烯酯)市场持续低迷,燕山石化EVA一度不断削减产量。今年以来,化工销售华南分公司积极调配来自燕山石化的EVA产品,根据市场情况不断创新销售方案,精准跟踪销售进度,前5个月EVA树脂销量增长迅速,总销量达到1.4万吨,其中5月销量首次突破5000吨。 一是细化客户计划,多节点跟踪完..
2013-06-03This report describes an eva luation conducted by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in August 2003 of two methods that estimate natural gas production in Texas. The first method (parametric method) was used by EIA from February through August 2003 and the second method (multinomial meth..
2012-12-31在Excel中,有一个eva luate方法,来获得给定运算式的结果,我们常常在VBA是借用它,但使用eva luate方法时,给定的字符串如果超过255个字符,则会提示类型不匹配,如: Sub text1() Dim x As String x = "1+2+3+4+5" MsgBox Application.eva luate(x) &..