浙公网安备 33010802004834号
2013-06-15 靠着世界上最大的天然气田——北方气田,卡塔尔的拉斯拉凡工业城成为了世界LNG贸易的中心,出口了世界上三分之一的LNG;同时,卡塔尔成为了世界上人均GDP最高的国家之一。 LNG成就了卡塔尔崛起的神话;卡塔尔成就了世界LNG贸易的繁荣。中国进口的LNG有三分之一都来自卡塔尔,它是中国进口LNG的最大..
2013-06-15近日,中国能源战略论坛作为第十六届科博会的重要组成部分,在北京召开。论坛以“提高能源利用效率,推进生态文明建设”为主题,重点围绕“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案中的重点难点和焦点问题展开研讨。 业内人士指出,目前国内环保形势严峻,为促进节能减排工作,作为清洁能源之一的液态天然气(LNG)..
2013-06-14LNG加气站供应液化天然气LNG的加注站,共分四种类型,一般将其分成为1、 撬装式加气站2、标准式加气站3、L-CNG加气站4、移动式撬装加气站LNG是液化天然气英文Liquefied Natural Gas的缩写。天然气经净化处理(脱除CO2、硫化物、烃、水等杂质)后,在常压下深冷至-162℃,由气态变成液态,称为液化天然气,液化天然..
2013-06-11"US and Canadian supply by the end of this decade maybe can make up 20% of the global LNG market. Ahead of Qatar, ahead of Australia,” Lee told delegates at AOGC 2013. However, there are question marks over the commercial viability of some proposed liquefaction projects such as Alaska LNG, ..
2013-06-11Union members have protested outside Parliament House in Perth saying floating LNG projects will rob locals of jobs.Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union members gathered on Tuesday to voice their concerns about the vessel-based liquefied natural gas projects.Energy giant Royal Dutch Shell ..
2013-06-11Malaysian national oil company Petronas says it expects to spend up to $16 billion to build a liquefied natural gas export facility in western Canada.Arif Mahmood, Petronas vice president of corporate planning, says the company will invest between $9 billion and $11 billion to construct two LNG l..
2013-06-10 液化天然气(LNG)作为一种清洁能源,具有独特的环保、经济和社会价值,是当前交通运输企业致力节能减排、改善城市空气质量的重要替代燃料。目前,在世界范围内,LNG汽车异军突起,发展势头非常迅猛,很可能成为未来与汽油、柴油等媲美的汽车动力主导能源之一。 随着中国汽车市场规模不断扩..