浙公网安备 33010802004834号
2013-06-03Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a very pure form of natural gas and is not carcinogenic or toxic. For natural gas to be liquefied all impurities must be removed such as: Sulfur, carbon dioxide and mercury which are corrosive to LNG equipment Water, which could freeze and cause equipment blockage H..
2013-06-03Höegh LNG announced that it has entered into agreements with major contractors and formally started the engineering and design for its first LNG FPSO Unit (Floating Production Storage and Offloading), with the objective to design and construct the worlds’ first lng fpso. The company intends..
2013-06-03Two LNG concepts have won an Approval in Principal from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). One is a novel concept from ABB Lummus Global (ABB) for a liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, floating production storage and offloading unit (Niche LNG FPSO). The concept is the offshore..
2013-06-03Based on a presentation to 82nd Annual GPA Convention, Dallas, Mar. 11-13, 2002.A comparison of LNG processes for tropical conditions showed that Shell double mixed refrigerant (DMR) process is a competitive alternative for the propane mixed refrigerant (C3MR) process. For both processes, an end-..
2013-06-03A joint industry project focused on the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the West Coast aims to identify and address barriers for LNG as a marine fuel in Canada. The estimated $1.2 million project involves 17 participating organizations including Port Metro Vancouver, BC Ferries, Seaspan, an..
2013-06-02 据道琼斯5月29日消息,钱尼尔能源合伙公司(Cheniere Energy Partners)周三表示,公司已经作出最终决定,计划在路易斯安娜州Sabine Pass终端新建第三套和第四套液化天然气(LNG)处理装置。 钱尼尔能源合伙公司决定推进第三套和第四套LNG处理装置将令Sabine Pass终端的天然气..
2013-06-02在江苏省如东县外海距海岸14公里的西太阳沙人工岛上,一条长达1970米的拱形液化天然气接收栈桥跨海而出,采购自国际市场的液化天然气在专用码头卸载后,通过卸料臂沿着架设在卸载栈桥上的管道输送至人工岛上的巨型储罐,经过气化后,通过外输管道进入西气东输一线主管网,保障着长三角地区天然气的平稳供应。 ..