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    Zheneng Wenzhou Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) receiving terminal project is located in Xiaomen Island, Gate Town, Dongtou District, is the National Development and Reform Commission natural gas infrastructure interconnection key project, Yangtze River Delta integration implementation project, Zhejiang Province "thousand trillion" major project and provincial key construction project, Zhejiang Province in 2023 second batch of "red flag" project, the project design annual receiving capacity of 3 million tons, Its effective operation can improve the transmission and energy supply capacity of the natural gas pipeline network in our province.

    The temporary port opening of Wenzhou LNG project was approved by the Ministry of Transport, marking the normal operation of Wenzhou LNG project, which can greatly improve the energy supply and gas security capacity of ordinary people in Zhejiang Province and even East China, and play an important role in increasing the foreign trade throughput of Wenzhou Port and enhancing the port radiation capacity.

    In order to ensure the normal operation of the project, Wenzhou Communications promptly organized the wharf acceptance and approval, and issued the port operation license; With an investment of 580 million yuan, the deep water inlet channel in the core port area of Wenzhou Port has been built and put into use, which can guarantee the world's largest LNG vessels to enter the port in full tide. Supporting construction of LNG emergency anchorage and waiting anchorage work. In the next step, the Wenzhou transportation department will actively cooperate with the official opening of the declaration work, and ensure that the waterway is smooth, and make every effort to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the project.

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