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    沙特阿美总裁兼首席执行官阿 ·纳瑟尔(Amin H. Nasser)表示: “这些合同的授予表明了我们对天然气作为一种重要能源的未来以及下游行业的重要原料的坚定信念。 我们在贾富拉的投资规模和干气系统的扩建凸显了我们进一步整合和发展天然气业务以满足预期不断增长的需求的意图。 这是对我们投资组合的补充,创造了新的就业机会,并支持王国向低排放电网过渡;低排放发电中,天然气和可再生能源将逐渐取代燃油发电。为了实现今天的目标,我们庞大的供应商和服务提供商网络中的各个团队做出了大量的辛勤工作与创新,展现了强大的“can-do”精神,他们与沙特阿美一道,共同建设以及扩建我们的世界级能源基础设施。”

    Saudi Aramco, the world's leading energy and chemical company, has awarded contracts worth more than $25 billion to advance its strategic gas expansion, which aims to increase sales of natural gas production by more than 60 percent by 2030 compared to 2021.

    The contracts relate to the second phase development of the vast Jafurah unconventional gas field, the third phase expansion of Aramco's dry gas system, the construction of new gas RIGS and the maintenance of existing production capacity.

    Amin H. Nasser, President and CEO of Saudi Aramco, said: "The award of these contracts demonstrates our strong belief in the future of natural gas as an important energy source and an important feedstock for downstream industries. The scale of our investment in Jafula and the expansion of our dry gas system underscores our intention to further integrate and grow our gas business to meet expected growing demand." It complements our portfolio, creates new jobs and supports the Kingdom's transition to a low emission grid; In low-emission power generation, natural gas and renewable energy will gradually replace oil-fired power generation. To achieve today's goals, the teams across our vast network of suppliers and service providers have put in a lot of hard work and innovation, demonstrating a strong can-do spirit as they work with Saudi Aramco to build and expand our world-class energy infrastructure."

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