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    With the approaching of this year's heating season, the construction of 176 natural gas Wells of petrochina Changqing Oilfield in Shaanxi-Gansu-ning and other places has accelerated, and has now entered the last step before putting into operation - the critical period of fracturing, which is expected to achieve an annual increase of 600 million square meters of natural gas after all are put into operation.

    At the pilot test platform gas test site in Heshui County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, frontline employees are conducting test production and other work to prepare for the next step of production handover. Lei Xun, director of the Geological management Department of the natural Gas eva luation Project Department of petrochina Changqing Oilfield, said: "At present, the preparation work for winter supply has been fully started, and we will pay close attention to the fracturing and production of new Wells and the transfer of new Wells. At present, 176 natural gas Wells are speeding up the fracturing and putting into operation. After putting into operation, it is expected to increase the annual production capacity of 600 million square meters, which can meet the domestic gas consumption of 3 million families and 9 million people in Qingyang, Gansu Province and Yanchi, Ningxia Province."

    Up to now, Changqing Oilfield has built the country's first annual output of 50 billion cubic meters of scale atmosphere, maintained the status of the largest domestic gas production area for 13 consecutive years, contributed more than 650 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the motherland, can replace 790 million tons of standard coal, reduce carbon emissions about 1 billion tons, plays an important role in optimizing the national energy structure and improving the ecological environment.

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