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    Beijing-kunming Expressway 鄠 Yinan Junction overpass Guanzhong Loop gas pipeline rerouting project: The natural gas pipeline from Guanzhong Ring Line HX168# pile west to HX175# began to change the line, the new pipeline is located in the north side of the active gas pipeline about 340 meters, the length of the change is about 790m, the design pressure is 4.0MPa, the pipe is selected D914×16 spiral weld steel pipe, the use of normal temperature three-layer PE reinforced external corrosion protection.

    Recently, Shaanxi Natural Gas Co., LTD. Beijing-kunming high-speed 鄠 Yinan Junction overpass Guanzhonghuan gas pipeline change project was filed

    It is reported that the Beijing-Kunming Expressway 鄠 Yinan Junction interchange Guanzhong Ring Line gas pipeline rerouting project is located in Zhongban Village, Yuchan Street, 鄠 Yi District, Xi 'an City, with a total investment of 18 million yuan.

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