近年来,随着中国巨大的能源需求、不断上涨和波动的石油价格以及日益引起关注的降低碳排放,促使中国政府将能源安全和可持续发展深入到传统能源和新能源领域。而美国的页岩气革命,也给世界天然气的供求带来了新的思考。今年,我们将更加关注未来中国天然气市场的发展对全球能源版图的影响。此次峰会将是中国迄今为止唯一高度关注中国能源版图和能源安全,并深入解析天然气产业链的权威性国际会议, 从而也将成为中国实施可持续发展能源战略的最重要的依托和最全面的交流平台。
Dear Sir/Madame
We have developed a spectacular event –The 6th Annual Asia Gas Congress 2011– for gas elites and experts on April 12th-13th in Beijing. The 6th Annual Asia Gas Congress 2011 has got a huge success in past five years which attracted participants from around 1000+ leading companies including global gas regulators, suppliers, distributors, international lawyers, LNG shippers, vendors, financiers, etc. Most of the participants are unstinted to give high comments on our event. We know this will be a fantastic opportunity for you to experience the rich resources our platform offers and how The 6th Annual Asia Gas Congress 2011 can fit in with your business goals.
Register Now 立即注册:
电话 T: 86 21 6840 7631
邮件 E:gas@chinadecisionmakers.com
传真 F: 86 21 6840 7633
网站 W: www.chinadecisionmakers.com/gas2011
For more information about registration and sponsorship
Please contact at gas@chinadecisionmakers.com .
For speaking opportunity, please contact Rachel Shen at rachelsh@chinadecisionmakers.com.
Looking forward to a great conference with your attendance!
Best regards,
Organizing Committee of Asia Gas Congress 真诚期待您的参与!