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供水泵;           water conveying pump

供水泵;           water supply pump

汞(蒸汽)泵;     mercury air pump

汞扩散泵;         mercury diffusion pump

汞喷射泵;         mercury ejector pump

汞蒸汽喷射泵;     mercury vapour jet pump

汞蒸汽喷射泵;     mercury(vapour)jet pump

固定刚体泵;       pump with nonrotating cylinder

固定式泵;         stationary pump

固体输送泵;       pump for water -borne solids

固体输送泵;       solid (handling)pump

管道泵;           pipeline mounted pump

管道屏蔽泵;       pipeline canned motor pump

管流泵;直管轴流泵;           tubular type axial flow pump

管式深井泵;       tubewell pump

管网泵;           pump for pipe system

惯性脉冲泵;       inertia impulsepump

惯性无曲柄泵;     inertia crankiesspump

灌溉泵;           irrigation pump

罐柜抽泄泵;       tank drainage pump

滚轮泵;           roller pump

锅炉给水泵;       BFW pump

锅炉给水泵;       boiler feedpump

锅炉回水循环泵;   boiler return circulatingpump

锅炉酸洗泵;       pump for acid washing of boiler

过滤泵;           filterpump

海水泵;           sea water pump

焊接管道泵;       pipeline mounted pump with welded connections

航空用泵;         aviation pump

合金泵;           alloy pump
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