联邦能源监管委员会批准VENTURE GLOBAL的CP2液化天然气
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摘要:今天, Venture Global就联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)批准该公司第三家出口设施CP2 LNG发表了以下声明。Venture Global LNG首席执行官Mike Sabel表示: “Venture Global对委员会和FERC工作人员对CP2 LNG的独立和彻底审查和批准表示赞赏。” Venture Global LNG首席执行..


今天, Venture Global就联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)批准该公司第三家出口设施CP2 LNG发表了以下声明。

Venture Global LNG首席执行官Mike Sabel表示: “Venture Global对委员会和FERC工作人员对CP2 LNG的独立和彻底审查和批准表示赞赏。” Venture Global LNG首席执行官Mike Sabel表示。 “该项目对全球能源安全、支持能源转型以及为路易斯安那州和美国提供就业机会和经济增长至关重要。 我们感谢Clements委员为委员会提供的服务,并期待继续与菲利普斯主席、克里斯蒂委员以及新确认的委员以及杰出的FERC工作人员合作。 我要感谢Venture Global团队,他们以专业的态度和坚定的决心回答了我们监管机构的所有要求。 我们期待美国能源部迅速批准该项目,这对全球和国家安全至关重要。”

迄今为止, CP2的初始阶段已通过与埃克森美孚、雪佛龙、JERA、新堡垒能源、INPEX、中国天然气、SEFE和EnBW的20年销售和采购协议进行销售。 此外, CP2 LNG最近还与乌克兰的DTEK签署了HOA。 Venture Global正在积极讨论剩余产能,并已启动该项目的重大场外建设。

Today, Venture Global issued the following statement in response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) approval of CP2 LNG, the company's third export facility.

"Venture Global appreciates the independent and thorough review and approval of CP2 LNG by the Commission and FERC staff," said Mike Sabel, CEO of Venture Global LNG. Mike Sabel, CEO of Venture Global LNG. "This project is critical to global energy security, supporting the energy transition, and providing jobs and economic growth for Louisiana and the United States." We thank Commissioner Clements for his service to the Commission and look forward to continuing to work with Chairman Phillips, Commissioner Christie, and the newly confirmed commissioners, as well as the outstanding FERC staff." I would like to thank the team at Venture Global who answered all the requests of our regulators with professionalism and unwavering determination. We look forward to DOE's swift approval of this project, which is critical to global and national security."

To date, the initial phase of CP2 has been sold through 20-year sales and purchase agreements with ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Natural Gas, SEFE and EnBW. In addition, CP2 LNG recently signed an HOA with DTEK in Ukraine. Venture Global is actively discussing surplus capacity and has initiated significant off-site construction of the project.

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