陕西省煤层气公司:多措并举 筑牢安全生产防线
责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:185次    时间: 2024-06-21 11:14:38    | 来源:陕煤集团   


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In recent years, Shaanxi CBM Company has inherited and carried forward the spirit of "moving north", fully implemented the strategy of "going out", and the project has spread to 12 provinces (municipalities) autonomous regions, and the development situation continues to improve. However, with the continuous expansion of market share, the project site is multi-line, long and wide, and safety management is facing new challenges. The company has taken many measures to innovate safety management methods, constantly consolidate the safety management foundation, and build a strong safety production defense line.

Improve team quality, stimulate new vitality

With the goal of improving the ability of all employees to perform their duties and safety literacy, the ways and channels of learning and training of employees were comprehensively expanded, and 2,386 people were trained in the first half of the year. In February, the company held a training course of "Strengthening the safety awareness of the main person in charge of the enterprise and improving the business of the safety management personnel" in Xi 'an University of Science and Technology, and more than 80 members of the company's leading team and safety production management personnel participated in the training. In March, the safety training course for driller operators was held in Yan 'an Fangzhou Vocational Skills Training Center. A total of 24 employees from 4 units of the company participated in the training. During the same period, the drilling branch invited three teachers from Sinopec East China Petroleum Technician College to hold a training of "Direct operation link and construction site safety management knowledge". Sixty-two students from drilling and production companies participated in the training.

We will strengthen safety supervision and lay a solid foundation for management

The company adheres to the excellent style of building a safety production responsibility network, supervision network and security network to the edge, to the end, and to leave no dead corners, comprehensively sorting out the supervision blind spots and loopholes that may exist in all aspects of safety production and various fields, preventing oversight and leakage of pipes, and comprehensively conducting investigations and rectification. The main person in charge of the company insists on leading the team to carry out safety inspections every month, and the safety and production supervision departments carry out hidden danger investigation and management at a high density. In the first half of the year, all kinds of safety inspections were organized 45 times, and 288 hidden dangers were found, which have been rectified. By grasping the grassroots and grasping the first line, we can continuously consolidate the safety foundation and promote more standardized site management.

Mutual security inspection should be carried out to effectively defuse risks

Closely around the company's central work, strengthen responsibility, and take the initiative to act, where the project construction goes, safety production management will follow up to where, really focus on the focus, precise force, and promote the effective resolution of risks in key areas. The safety mutual inspection of each unit as a basic work to promote safety production management to seize, the company has prepared the "safety production and environmental protection mutual inspection Management System (trial)", to make specific arrangements for safety mutual inspection work, the first half of the year has carried out safety mutual inspection more than 40 times, a total of 172 hidden dangers have been found, have all urged to complete the rectification on time. Strengthen the safety management of the company's major projects and key engineering construction through safety mutual inspection and collaborative supervision to ensure the safe development of various projects.

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