[ 录入者:hylng | 时间:2012-12-31 21:22:59 | 作者: | 来源:中国液化天然气网 | 浏览:3252次 ]

 关键词: 中国   页岩油气   地质评价   方法和流程   页岩区域评价   页岩评价   页岩油气储量评估   
 A method and workflow for shale oil and gas geological eva luation
 Chen Guihua, Xiao Gang, Xu Qiang, Zhu Yanhe, Chen Xiaozhi 
 CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100027, China 
For quickly and efficiently eva luating the potential of shale oil and gas resources in China, based on the actual practices from over 10 projects of shale oil and gas resource assessment at home and abroad, a new method and workflow is summarized especially for Chinese shale oil and gas geological eva luation, and its application process and sound effects are also reiterated with case histories. This specific workflow includes shale regional eva luation, shale rock assessment and shale oil & gas reserve appraisal. The shale regional eva luation consists of building a stratigraphic framework as well as the analysis of regional tectonic evolution, paleogeographic evolution and geography & landforms. This workflow aims to determine if there is a paleogeographic environment with organicmatterrich shales, focusing on the determination of steady distribution of sedimentary environment with organicrich shales and the stability of tectonic evolution. The shale rock assessment will achieve the goal of delineating the favorable zones for shale oil and gas reservoirs, concentrating on the following key indicators for a rapid eva luation: shale depth, reservoir thickness, TOC, Ro, brittle strength, etc. The shale oil and gas reserve appraisal will define nuclear areas or the socalled sweet spots of shale oil and gas plays, reflecting the characteristics of shale reservoir's continuous distribution. It is finally concluded that this method and workflow is simple but feasible, providing a new approach for shale oil and gas rapid eva luation.
 Keywords: China, shale oil, shale gas, method and workflow, regional eva luation, shale rock assessment, shale oil &   gas reserve appraisal   
 收稿日期  修回日期  网络版发布日期  
 DOI: 10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2012.12.001

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