发布时间:2010-05-18 10:27:47 浏览:3447次 评论:0


Sempra Energy's LNG locations

Nationwide, the development of more than 40 liquefied natural gas (LNG) receipt terminals are being pursued, with more on the drawing board in Canada and Mexico.

We have major permits in place, and construction has begun at two LNG facilities, one in Baja California, Mexico, (Energía Costa Azul) and another in Hackberry, Louisiana, (Cameron LNG). The Energía Costa Azul project is situated on a 400-acre site in a remote location 15 miles north of Ensenada, Mexico. The Cameron LNG project is situated on a 275-acre industrial zoned site along the Calcasieu River in Hackberry, Louisiana. It will supply customers in Mexico and the U.S. Both projects are expected to be operational in 2008.

On June 15, 2006, FERC granted Sempra approval to site, construct and operate the Port Arthur LNG terminal. It will be constructed on part of a 2,500-acre parcel of land along the Port Arthur Ship Canal - an entry from the Gulf of Mexico. The parcel has been owned by Sempra Energy since 1989. Construction to begin once commerical arrangements are finalized.

Sempra LNG is strategically positioned with one site on the West Coast and two on the Gulf Coast. Together, Cameron LNG, Port Arthur LNG and Energía Costa Azul translate into up to 5.5 billion cubic feet per day of new gas supply capable of serving the North American market.
