浙公网安备 33010802004834号
2016-04-22The company has successively been granted the license for manufacture of pressure vessels of Grade A1, A2. The annual output of pressure vessel is more than 300. The equipment can meet the process need of chemical industry, metallurgy, petroleum, natural gas and multi-component gas. The material ..
2016-04-22Main Sizes50~120000Nm3/h Air Separation Plants; 50~40000Nm3/h High-purity Nitrogen Air Separation Plants; 100~1000TPD Oxygen and Nitrogen Liquefaction Plants; 100~1000TPD Liquid Air Separation Plants Utilizing LNG Cold Energy;Helium, neon, krypton and xenon extraction plants.>Technical Featu..
2013-06-03Commercial sorption-based air separation is usuallydone using nitrogen selective zeolites in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems. Separation of air byadsorption of less abundant oxygen is more desirable. In this studywe have developed some stable oxygen selective sorbents with silver and ceri..