浙公网安备 33010802004834号
2013-06-03A novel liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueled power plant is proposed, which has virtually zero CO2 and other emissions and a high efficiency. Natural gas is fired in highly enriched oxygen and recycled CO2 flue gas. The plant operates in a quasi-combined cycle mode with a supercritical CO2 Rankine-..
2013-06-03This paper describes the results of a single well micro-pilot test performed at an existing well in the anthracitic coals of the South Qinshui basin, Shanxi Province, China. A set of reservoir parameters was obtained from the micro-pilot test. The field data was successfully history matched using..
2013-06-03A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation was adopted to calculate the diffusion coefficients for a pseudo-binary system of carbon dioxide and for a carbon dioxide+ solute system at 308.2 and 318.2 K. The calculated results were compared with the self- and tracer diffusion coefficients calc..
2010-10-22 研究人员正在开发从燃煤电厂捕集CO2的技术,到2100年燃煤电厂可望占全球CO2排放量80%。但现在仅有三个大规模的捕集计划正在进行之中,每年可捕集约300万吨的CO2,以注入地下盐水深层中或油井中提高石油采收率。 化学工业使用的CO2总量1.15亿吨仅占每年排向大气的CO2总量0.5%不到。虽然采用现有技术可使CO..
2010-10-22摘要:该文介绍了由抗高CO2竞争吸附干扰的、专用于食品CO2的T504水解催化剂与T103硫化氢精脱硫剂组成的JTL-1常温精脱硫新工艺在食品CO2中十年的工业应用以及THC-1脱烃催化剂的小试研究数据与首次工业应用结果。关键词:食品CO2 精脱硫 脱烃催化剂 &nb..
2010-10-22 据统计,全世界各种矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)燃烧排放到大气中的CO2量达到18.5 Gt/a(据CEN报道为24.2 Gt/a),而用于生产液体CO2、合成尿素和甲醇等产品的消费量不足0.1 Gt/a。在各种对温室效应产生作用的因素中,CO2的作用占49%,近年来,随着人们对资源短缺、地球温暖化问题的高度重视,各种矿物燃烧后排放CO2的回..
2010-08-08项 目 招 商 公 告 The Notice of Investment Project 项目名称 Project Name 年产3万吨食品级co2项目 所在地区 Location 内蒙古自治区赤峰市克什克腾煤电化基地煤化工循环经济园区 项目属性 Properties 化工项目 ..