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2015-08-10To realize the goal of energysaving and emission reduction, Chinawill invest USD 3,300 per year from 2015 to 2020, which will occupy 3% of GDP.As low carbon energy, natural gas is considered a reasonable choice to resolveemissions. A series of good policies has been issued by Chinese government t..
2014-02-07霍尼韦尔(NYSE:HON)宣布与OLI系统公司建立独家合作伙伴关系,为过程工程师提供集成有腐蚀分析仪的过程仿真器,这在业内尚属首次。用户可更加精确地设计电解质相关过程以及预测过程中产生的腐蚀情况。通过其UNISim™ Design仿真系统,霍尼韦尔将提供OLI腐蚀分析仪以及混合溶剂电解质(MSE)结构和数据库。这些新..
2013-06-03Optimisation techniques are used for the design of novel forced-periodic reactors in which there is the integration of catalyticreaction, adsorptive separation and direct #uid to solid heat exchange within a single unit operation. For such con"gurations,dynamic operation is utilised to gener..
2012-11-05 Unisim Design,Honeywell最新的流程模拟软件,但是建立于HYSIS的基础之上,与HYSIS有很多相似之处。 1.5 UniSim Design Suite软件介绍 UniSim系列UniSim是Honeywell的模拟仿真套件,是旨在提高加工工厂整个生命周期性能的系列仿真软件,集成了现有最强大的仿真技术:Hysis模拟软件、S..