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2017-02-21 Venture Global LNG, Inc.已经选择由GE石油天然气集团(GE Oil & Gas)成为其战略合作伙伴,为其在路易斯安那州正在开发的液化天然气(LNG)出口设施提供工厂级技术解决方案。根据合作协议,GE石油天然气集团将会利用来自更为广泛的GE组合的先进技术,帮助提供一套综合的电力、预处理和LNG液化系统。双..
2017-01-11After a lacklustre start to 2016, surging Asian and Middle Eastern buying hasseen demand growth in LNG markets improve markedly. Led by a strong pickupin Chinese activity, global demand now looks to have risen by an impressive7% through 2016, nearly triple the level seen in 2015 (<3%). Moreove..
2015-01-04Naturalgas, be it in liquefied, or condensed form or be it trapped in conventional orunconventional reservoirs, is leading China’s energy revolution, which willsignificantly transform the country’s energy production, trade, transmission,logistics and utilization landscape. Natural gas is the li..
2013-06-03 Transportation accounts for 10 to 30 percent of the cost of the LNG value chain. Carrier ships often are owned by LNG producers, but also sometimes are built as independent investments separate from specific LNG projects. The evolution of LNG transport ships has been dramatic. While the first ..