浙公网安备 33010802004834号
2020-01-05U.S. exporters of LNG head into 2020 after a record year that saw exports soar by more than 60%, but growing concerns about weakened demand and heavy competition could act as headwinds in the coming year.Four new liquefaction trains—the common term for a shipping facility—entered service this y..
2019-12-11 近日,由西安陕鼓动力股份有限公司(以下简称“陕鼓动力”)总承包的鄂尔多斯市派思能源有限公司110万方/日天然气液化装置工程项目一次开车成功并产出合格的产品LNG。这是陕鼓动力在液化天然气领域工程总承包能力上的又一次突破,也标志着陕鼓动力在清洁能源和新能源领域又迈出了坚实一步。 当..