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2008-01-30A primary function of the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG) is to serve as a clearinghouse of information about LNG. This section provides access to research papers on natural gas, liquefied natural gas and U.S. energy needs.CLNG did not commission these research papers. We prov..
2008-01-30LNG AND AMERICA’S FUTURE There is a call for the United States to gain more control over its energy future. One of the most effective and achievable means of doing so is diversifying the energy sources from which our nation draws. Bringing more LNG into our supply mix reduces our rel..
2008-01-301 HAZOP的基本概念 HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study)中文的意思是“危险性和可操作性分析”, 是以系统工程为基础的一种可用于定性分析或定量评价的危险性评价方法, 用于探明生产装置和工艺过程中的危险及其原因, 寻求必要对策。通过分析生产运行过程中工艺状态参数的变动,操作控制中可能出现的偏差,以及这些变..
2008-01-30Dr Barney Glover, Director of Research and Development at CurtinUniversity said the technology uses a process based on a combination of multi-component refrigeration and compression cycles. Liquid nitrogen is used to achieve temperatures down to -160oC with relatively few equipment items. The nit..
2008-01-30Cryogenics is the production and application of low-temperature phenomena. The cryogenic temperature range is between -150oC and absolute zero -273oC, the temperature at which molecular motion comes as close as theoretically possible to ceasing completely. Cryogenic temperatures are usually descr..
2008-01-30Small Scale LNG Unit, Large Scale Potential A micro-production LNG plant developed by a team at CurtinUniversity in Perth looks set to revolutionise the "little-end" of the gas industry and create significant opportunities for otherwise stranded gas reserves. CurtinUniversity in Perth is gettin..
2008-01-30 液化天然气(LNG)行业正在从一个区域性亚洲市场向真正意义上的全球化市场转变”。9月20日,壳牌公司全球液化天然气供应副总裁大卫·韦尔斯(David Wells)在北京召开的第二届亚太液化天然气国际会议上如是说。由此,LNG正以每年约12%的高速增长,成为全球增长最迅猛、最繁荣的能源行业之一..
2008-01-30 中国L N G资源及市场预测 文/深圳市燃气集团有限公司 李青平 林越玲 天然气是在气田中自然开采出来的可燃气体,主要成分由甲烷组成。天然气经过预处理,脱除重质烃、硫化物、二氧化碳、水等杂质后,在常压下深冷到零下162~C液化既制成液化天然气(LNG),这是天..