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2008-01-30 http://union.bokecc.com/flash/player.swf?videoID=83846_1563084&autoStart=false[全屏欣赏]
2008-01-29 http://union.bokecc.com/flash/player.swf?videoID=83846_1563004&autoStart=false[全屏欣赏]
2008-01-29液化天然气常识! What is LNG? Where does LNG come from? What countries import LNG? Where are LNG terminals located in the United States? How is LNG transported? How is LNG stored? How is natural gas stored? How is LNG used? Why use LNG? Is LNG flammable? Is LNG explosive? What is a Rapid Phase Tr..
2008-01-29液化天然气:Liquefied Natural Gas The Center for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG) provides comprehensive and reliable information about LNG. CLNG strives to be a clearinghouse of information by providing educational and technical information, so that those interested in LNG and the LNG industry can e..
2008-01-29随着沿海地区天然气消费的快速增长,有关LNG的话题正成为越来越多业内人士关注的焦点 在当下能源日趋紧张的情况下,清洁优质高效的天然气已成为继石油之后最具发展前景的能源和重要的化工原料。其中,液化天然气(LNG)因其体积仅为气态时的1/600,大大节约储运空间和成本,运输方式更为灵活,而且提高了燃烧性能,从而备..