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摘要大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器是FLNG和大型LNG生产建设的核心装备,技术门槛高,长期由美国APCI和德国Linde公司垄断。本文全面回顾了中国在大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器研发和工业化应用方面的最新进展,主要包括:①构建了适用于烷烃工质冷凝与沸腾流动的高精度数值模拟方法,提升了数值计算的准确性和稳定性,数值模拟结果与实验数据相对误差在±20%以内;揭示了晃动及结构参数对烷烃工质复杂相变流动传热的影响机制,建立了烷烃工质复杂相变流型转换准则与分流型的流动换热关联式;开发了具有自主知识产权的大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器仿真设计软件,其仿真结果与现场运行数据平均相对误差小于5%。②研制了300 m以上超长无缝换热铝合金管及3种适用于LNG/FLNG绕管换热器的新型均布器,形成了基于铝换热管的大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器结构优化设计技术,开发出了中国首套全铝制30万m3/d LNG/FLNG绕管换热器,通过了CCS认证,并制定了相关企业标准。③搭建了全球首个LNG/FLNG绕管换热器工业化测试平台,完成了首套全铝制30万m3/d LNG/FLNG绕管换热器静止和晃荡工业化应用测试,结果表明国产LNG/FLNG绕管换热器在换热等方面性能良好。相关研究成果为未来自主设计和建造大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器奠定了基础。

Large-scale LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger is a core equipment in FLNG and large-scale LNG plant.It has high technical threshold,which has always been monopolized by APCI from USA and Linde from Germany.This paper comprehensively reviews and summarizes the main research achievements on research process and industrial application of large-scale LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger in China,including:①A high-precision numerical simulation method for condensation and boiling flow of alkane medium has been established,which improves the accuracy and stability of numerical calculation.The relative error between the numerical simulation results and the experimental data is within±20%.The influencing mechanism of sloshing and structural parameters on the complex phase change flow heat transfer of alkane medium has been revealed,and the complex phase change flow pattern conversion criterion and divertive type flow heat transfer correlation have been established.The simulation and design software for large-scale LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger with independent intellectual property rights has been developed.The average relative error between the simulation results and the actual operation data is less than 5%.②The ultra-long aluminum seamless heat transfer tube of more than 300m and three kinds of new uniform distributors for LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger have been developed.The structure optimization design technology for large-scale LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger based on aluminum heat transfer tube has been formed.China's first set of all-aluminum 300000 m3/d LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger has been developed,which has passed the CCS certification,and relevant enterprise standards have been formulated.③The world's first industrial test platform for LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger has been built,and the static to sloshing industrial tests of China's first set of all-aluminum 300000 m3/d LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger has been completed.The results show that the domestic LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger presents good performance in heat exchange.These results lay a foundation for independent design and construction of large-scale LNG/FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger in the future.


CHEN Jie(CNOOC Gas&Power Group,Beijing 100028,China;CNOOC Gas and Power(AUS)Investment Pty Ltd.,Brisbane 12050,Australia)

机构地区中海石油气电集团有限责任公司 中海石油气电集团澳大利亚投资控股有限公司

出处《中国海上油气》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期168-183,共16页

China Offshore Oil and Gas

基金国家工信部高技术船舶科技项目“大型LNG绕管式换热器研制(编号:2015.531)” 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目“海上天然气液化存储关键技术研究(编号:2013AA09A216)” 国家自然科学基金项目“浮式天然气液化过程中低温冷剂降膜流动与传热特性研究(编号:51604294)” 中国海油科技项目“LNG绕管式换热器国产化关键技术研究(编号:CNOOC-KJ125ZDXM14 QD08QD2011)”“大型天然气液化技术工程化研究项目(编号:CNOOC-KJ125ZDXM14 QD02QD2012)”“LNG绕管式换热器流动与传热特性实验研究(编号:CNOOC-KJ 125ZDXM14 QD012 QD2013)”“LNG绕管换热器层间跨越特性研究及应力分析(编号:CNOOC-KJ 135 KJXM QD2017-003)”、中国海油关键核心技术攻关项目“大型LNG/FLNG绕管换热器工业化应用研究(编号:CNOOC-KJ 135 KJXM QD2019-005)”部分研究成果。

关键词南海 LNG FLNG 绕管换热器 低温试验和模拟 冷凝与沸腾流动 相变流型转换准则 流动换热关联式 仿真设计软件 铝换热管 工业化测试平台

South China Sea LNG FLNG coil-wound heat exchanger cryogenic experiments and simulation condensation and boiling flow phase change flow pattern conversion criterion flow heat transfer correlation simulation and design software aluminum heat transfer tube industrial test platform

分类号TE64 [石油与天然气工程—油气加工工程]

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