SK chemicals在2024国际橡塑展上展示循环再生技术和解决方案
责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:1048次    时间: 2024-04-22 11:21:36    | 来源:美通社   


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摘要:Chinaplas国际橡塑展与美国的NPE和德国的K Trade展会并称为全球三大化工行业展会,被认为是亚洲最大的展会。据了解,本届展会将有来自150多个国家的约4000家企业参展。在这次展会上,SK chemicals准备了一个展台,让观众体验以"绿色地球:随手可得的可持续未来..


Chinaplas国际橡塑展与美国的NPE和德国的K Trade展会并称为全球三大化工行业展会,被认为是亚洲最大的展会。据了解,本届展会将有来自150多个国家的约4000家企业参展。

在这次展会上,SK chemicals准备了一个展台,让观众体验以"绿色地球:随手可得的可持续未来解决方案"(Greening The Globe: On hand solution for a sustainable tomorrow)为口号的可持续未来解决方案。

该展厅旨在展示城市中产生的塑料废弃物通过SK chemicals的循环再利用(circular recycle™)技术重新变为再生原材料,并将这些材料再次转化为各种产品的过程。作为世界上第一项商业上可行的化学回收技术,SK chemicals的循环再利用技术受到了业界利益相关者的极大关注。SK chemicals计划展示各种循环回收产品组合,其通过循环回收技术,成功实现从单体、聚酯到共聚物的垂直整合。

除了循环再利用解决方案,SK chemicals还将展示多种可持续材料产品以及使用这些材料的商业化产品。将展出多个全球品牌产品,如采用了ECOTRIA CR的化妆品、电器和家居用品,以及通过应用回收材料成功实现商业化的最终产品,如采用了SKYPET CR的轮胎和瓶装水Samdasoo Reborn。

Chinaplas, together with NPE in the United States and K Trade in Germany, is known as the world's three major chemical industry exhibitions and is considered to be the largest exhibition in Asia. It is understood that about 4,000 companies from more than 150 countries will participate in the exhibition.

At this exhibition, SK chemicals has prepared a booth for visitors to experience the "Green Earth: Greening The Globe: On hand solution for a sustainable tomorrow. Greening the Globe: On Hand Solution for a Sustainable Tomorrow.

The exhibition hall aims to show how plastic waste generated in the city is turned back into recycled raw materials through SK chemicals' circular recycle™ technology, and how these materials are re-converted into various products. As the world's first commercially viable chemical recycling technology, SK chemicals' recycling technology has received significant attention from industry stakeholders. SK chemicals plans to showcase a variety of recycling product portfolios, which have successfully achieved vertical integration from monomers, polyesters to copolymers through recycling technology.

In addition to recycling solutions, SK chemicals will showcase a variety of sustainable materials products as well as commercial products using these materials. Several global brand products will be on display, such as cosmetics, appliances and household items using ECOTRIA CR, as well as end products successfully commercialized through the application of recycled materials, such as tires and bottled water Samdasoo Reborn using SKYPET CR.

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