责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:660次    时间: 2024-07-05 09:36:31    | 来源:广东火电 作者:林丹茹   


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项目位于四川省资阳市安岳县永顺镇,是四川省“十四五”能源发展规划的重点建设项目,项目规划建设4×700MW H级燃气发电机组,分两期建设,本期建设2×700MW H级燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组,是目前世界最先进的9H型高效燃机。项目采用“低氮燃烧技术+高效SCR脱硝”技术,污染物排放浓度优于国家标准。项目整体建成投产后,与同等规模燃煤电厂相较,每年可减少约55%二氧化碳排放量,预计年发电70亿千瓦时,将成为四川电网骨干调峰电源,对优化四川省能源结构和提升当地电网供电可靠性具有积极意义。项目由中国能建广东火电和西南院联合体EPC总承包建设。

The project adopts the technology of "low nitrogen combustion technology + efficient SCR denitrification", and the pollutant emission concentration is better than the national standard. After the whole project is completed and put into operation, compared with the coal-fired power plant of the same scale, the annual carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 55%, and the annual power generation is expected to be 7 billion KWH, which will become the backbone of the Sichuan power grid peak balancing power supply, which has positive significance for optimizing the energy structure of Sichuan Province and improving the reliability of the local power grid. The project is EPC contracted by China Energy Construction Guangdong Thermal Power and Southwest Institute Consortium.

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