责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:282次    时间: 2024-08-08 13:36:43    | 来源:湖州水务   


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在规划设计之初,集团深入调研、精心布局,该水电站预计每年可发出760万kWh绿电、减少二氧化碳排放约 7600 吨,其所发电量将全部用于西部水厂日常运行,绿色能源占比水厂能耗50%以上,打造行业低碳水厂标杆。

除了建设水电站,西部水厂砂滤池屋顶上还建设总装机容量约 350 kWp的光伏电站,采用“自发自用、余电上网”模式,年发电量约45万kWh。利用“水电+光伏”组合节能减排,有效降低水厂能源消耗和碳排放,提高能源利用效率,实现经济效益和环境效益的双赢。

Anji Fushi Reservoir water to the west water plant water intake of about 40 meters of surplus head, in order to avoid waste of resources, the group innovatively explore the recovery of this part of the head, by the subordinate Huzhou Qingtai New energy Technology Co., Ltd. invested in the construction of small hydropower station. The plant consists of two 800kW and one 630kW hydrogenerators with a total installed capacity of 2230kW.

At the beginning of the planning and design, the group conducted in-depth research and careful layout, the hydropower station is expected to emit 7.6 million kWh of green electricity per year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions of about 7,600 tons, and its power generation will be used for the daily operation of the western water plant, green energy accounts for more than 50% of the water plant's energy consumption, creating a benchmark for low-carbon water plants in the industry.

In addition to the construction of hydropower stations, the western water plant sand filter roof also built a total installed capacity of about 350 kWp of photovoltaic power stations, using the "self-use, surplus electricity online" mode, annual power generation of about 450,000 kWh. Using the combination of "hydropower + photovoltaic" to save energy and reduce emissions, effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions of water plants, improve energy utilization efficiency, and achieve a win-win situation of economic and environmental benefits.

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