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摘要:自3月22日完成第一台储罐第一带墙体浇筑以来,中交营口液化天然气有限公司4#储罐第13A墙体顺利完成浇筑,历时7小时4分钟,共浇筑混凝土462立方米。组织现场全部参建单位持续开展“赛质量 赛安全”的劳动竞赛,脚踏实地、真抓实干,动员全员攻坚年度目标,努力克服施..


自3月22日完成第一台储罐第一带墙体浇筑以来,中交营口液化天然气有限公司4#储罐第13A墙体顺利完成浇筑,历时7小时4分钟,共浇筑混凝土462立方米。组织现场全部参建单位持续开展“赛质量 赛安全”的劳动竞赛,脚踏实地、真抓实干,动员全员攻坚年度目标,努力克服施工过程中遇到的种种困难。面对雷雨天气频发、夏季高温等恶劣天气,以及随着储罐墙体高度增加给混凝土浇筑带来的技术难题,公司项目管理中心组织PMC、监理、EPC总承包及储罐墙体施工单位积极作为,主动思考、全局谋划,成立储罐墙体施工技术专家组和恶劣天气预警小组。优化现场施工组织,执行高温、雷雨天气错峰施工,分区分层细化浇筑施工,对泵车等关键施工设备、防雨措施、作业许可等进行严格把控,做好事前、事中、事后控制;同时严格执行“中心+PMC+监理+EPC+施工单位”五级网格化监管机制,将高水平安全质量管控贯穿储罐墙体浇筑施工全过程,在保证安全质量的前提下,提前计划节点完成4台储罐13A墙体浇筑。


Since the completion of the first wall pouring of the first storage tank on March 22, the wall 13A of the 4# storage tank of Zhongjiao Yingkou LNG Co., Ltd. has been successfully poured, lasting 7 hours and 4 minutes, and a total of 462 cubic meters of concrete has been poured. Organize all the participating units on site to continue to carry out the labor competition of "quality competition safety competition", be down-to-earth and do solid work, mobilize all staff to tackle the annual target, and strive to overcome various difficulties encountered in the construction process. In the face of severe weather such as frequent thunderstorms and high temperature in summer, as well as the technical difficulties brought by the increase in the height of the storage tank wall to the concrete pouring, the company's project management center organized PMC, supervision, EPC general contracting and storage tank wall construction units to actively act, actively think and plan, and set up a technical expert group for storage tank wall construction and a bad weather early warning group. Optimize the on-site construction organization, implement the peak construction in high temperature and thunderstorm weather, refine the pouring construction in different areas and layers, strictly control the key construction equipment such as pump trucks, rain prevention measures, and work permits, and do a good job in the pre-event, in-event and post-event control; At the same time, the five-level grid supervision mechanism of "Center +PMC+ supervisor +EPC+ construction unit" is strictly implemented, and high-level safety and quality control is carried out throughout the whole construction process of the storage tank wall pouring. Under the premise of ensuring safety and quality, the wall pouring of 4 storage tanks 13A is completed in advance.

After the completion of the outer wall pouring of the four 200,000 cubic meters storage tanks, the following procedures will be carried out, such as pressure lifting, dome pouring, outer tank lining, primary and secondary bottom plates, ring beams, installation and welding of the inner tank 9 nickel steel plate. The wall 13A of the 4# storage tank of Zhongjiao Yingkou Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. was poured successfully, lasting 7 hours and 4 minutes, and a total of 462 cubic meters of concrete was poured. Will continue to maintain a high morale and rigorous work attitude, keep an eye on key nodes, continue to strengthen the implementation of the grid management requirements of designated areas, personnel, responsibility, and positioning, promote the orderly development of storage tank dome pouring and installation projects, fight a high-quality construction battle in 2024, and go all out to achieve the overall goal of safe, high-quality construction and commissioning of the project. It has made positive contributions to local regional economic development and the new breakthrough three-year action to revitalize Liaoning.

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