责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:101次    时间: 2024-03-28 10:32:01    | 来源:延长石油   


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延长工程公司年初承接该项目后,迅速组织精兵强将成立项目组,就工艺流程、设备参数等项目的难点问题反复进行沟通,全力推进项目顺利进行。经过各专业人员的不懈努力,项目组完成了PID工艺流程图及布置图的初版设计,并顺利通过工艺包初步审查,业主方对此次设计工作 给予充分肯定。

Yanchang Engineering Company undertakes the process package and related design of the device, with a total investment of 150 million yuan. The project belongs to the pilot plant, the basic data of the process is in the experimental data stage, the reaction conditions are extremely harsh, the pressure, temperature and other parameters are close to the domestic equipment withstand the limit, the design difficulty is extremely challenging. After the completion of the device, it will be the first set of polyethylene imine production equipment in China and the second set in Asia, which is of great significance for breaking the long-term technological monopoly of foreign countries.

After undertaking the project at the beginning of the year, Yanchang Engineering Company quickly organized a strong team to establish a project team, repeatedly communicated on the difficult problems of the project such as process flow and equipment parameters, and fully promoted the smooth progress of the project. Through the unremitting efforts of various professionals, the project team completed the initial design of the PID process flow chart and layout, and successfully passed the preliminary review of the process package, and the owner fully affirmed the design work.

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