七煤矿业建设矿:守护“生命通道” 共建平安矿区
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七煤矿业建设矿围绕“人人讲安全、个个会应急——畅通生命通道”安全生产月活动主题,深入开展安全生产月学习宣传、安全警示教育等系列活动,引导广大职工增强安全风险意识,养成安全作业习惯,提升风险防范能力,守护生命通道安全,共同打造安全生产形势持续稳定的和谐局面。建设矿采取悬挂宣传牌板和条幅、张贴宣传海报等形式,向职工宣传安全生产月活动主题、“畅通生命通道”科普知识、消防和灭火知识、疏散指示标识等,进一步提高职工的安全责任意识,筑牢安全思想防线,营造浓厚的安全生产氛围。他们利用党委理论学习中心组学习会、“第一议题”、“三会一课”、主题党日、矿领导上讲台讲座、班前课等形式,组织职工深入学习习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述和重要讲话重要指示重要批示精神,广泛宣传宣讲《中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅关于进一步加强矿山安全生产工作的意见》《煤矿安全生产条例》《安全生产治本攻坚三年行动实施方案(2024-2026年)》等政策法规,组织职工集中观看《安全生产 责任在肩》安全警示教育片、安全生产月活动主题宣传片、安全生产月公益广告和煤矿典型事故案例安全警示教育片等,教育引导职工充分认识守护“生命通道”的紧迫性、重要性,树牢安全发展理念,守牢安全生产底线,进一步增强全员学法尊法守法用法和敬畏法律、敬畏生命、敬畏规章的自觉性。建设矿加大“三违”现象大曝光、典型事故案例和违章人员现身说法等安全警示教育力度,公开曝光、批评本单位典型“三违”现象、造成不良影响和产生严重后果的违章行为,组织违章职工到培训中心反思室观看煤矿典型事故案例,撰写反思材料,到VR警示教育体验室再学习事故案例、进行再教育,系统领导组织采区主要负责人、违章人员利用班前课剖析近期安全生产事故案例、开展安全警示教育,用身边事警示身边人,切实让职工从事故中汲取教训、得到警示、受到教育。建设矿认真做好岗位安全必知必会“明白卡”携带和内容考问工作,矿领导、培训中心把岗位风险和管控措施、应急处置措施和应急联络电话等作为安全生产月重点考问内容,采取手指口述方式,让职工正确认识岗位风险,有效处置应急问题,减少违规操作行为;采取多种形式推动安全警示教育宣传发动到位、思想认识到位、责任落实到位、工作措施到位、活动效果到位,让“人人讲安全、个个会应急”进井区、进班组、进岗位,以全员的思想自觉和行动自觉保障生命通道畅通,为建设新时代现代化新七煤构建安全发展的新局面。

Seven coal mining construction mine around the theme of "everyone speaks safety, everyone will respond to emergencies - smooth passage of life" safety production month activities, in-depth implementation of safety production month learning and publicity, safety warning education and other activities, guide the majority of employees to enhance safety risk awareness, develop safe working habits, improve risk prevention ability, protect the safety of life passage. Work together to create a sustainable and stable situation in production safety. The construction mine adopts the form of hanging publicity boards and banners, putting up propaganda posters, etc., to publicize the theme of safety production month activities to employees, "smooth passage of life" science popularization knowledge, fire fighting and fire extinguishing knowledge, evacuation instruction signs, etc., to further improve employees' awareness of safety responsibility, build a strong safety thought defense line, and create a strong safety production atmosphere.  Widely publicizing the Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening Work Safety in Mines, the Regulations on Work Safety in Coal Mines, and the Three-year Action Plan for Tackling the Root Causes of Work Safety (2024-2026). Organize employees to focus on watching "Safety production responsibility on the shoulder" safety warning education videos, safety production month activity theme propaganda videos, safety production month public service advertisements and typical coal mine accident case safety warning education videos, etc., educate and guide employees to fully understand the urgency and importance of protecting the "life channel", tree safe development concept, and hold the bottom line of safety production. Further enhance the consciousness of all members to study the law, respect the law and abide by the law, and respect the law, life, and rules. The construction of the mine to increase the "three violations" phenomenon of large exposure, typical accident cases and violations of personnel, such as safety warning education efforts, public exposure, criticism of the unit's typical "three violations" phenomenon, resulting in adverse effects and serious consequences of violations, organize violations of the staff to the training center reflection room to watch typical coal mine accident cases, write reflection materials, To the VR warning education experience room to learn accident cases, re-education, the system leads the organization of the main person in charge of the mining area, the violation of the personnel to use the pre-class class to analyze the recent case of safety production accidents, to carry out safety warning education, and to warn people around them, so that employees can learn lessons from the accident, get warnings, and be educated. Construction mine seriously do a good job of job safety must know will be "clear card" carrying and content examination work, mine leaders, training centers to post risk and control measures, emergency measures and emergency contact telephone as the key content of safety production month, take finger oral way, so that workers correctly understand the risk of the job, effectively deal with emergency problems, reduce violations of operations; Take a variety of forms to promote safety warning education and publicity launch in place, ideological understanding in place, responsibility in place, work measures in place, and the effect of activities in place, so that "everyone speaks safety and everyone will respond" into the well area, into the shift group, and into the post, with the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of all staff to ensure the smooth passage of life, and build a new situation of safe development for the construction of a new era of modern New seven coal.

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