责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:760次    时间: 2024-06-25 11:34:10    | 来源:平煤股份   


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公司持续聚焦“精煤战略”,把优质低硫主焦煤作为核心产品打造成为焦煤市场知名品牌,2024  年公司焦精煤产量计划 1305  万吨,实现稳步递增。公司积极实施智能矿山建设、主辅分离、对标提升、瓦斯综合治理等专项行动。


公司东部矿区年产 3  亿 m3 绿色减碳地面瓦斯抽采综合利用项目取得重大突破,在河南省率先实现煤层气商业化利用,并进一步降低瓦斯治理成本;公司超前布局,建设 6000 吨/年煤基碳材料耦合工艺技术中试项目,将原料煤直接液化转化为新型优质沥青等高端功能性碳材料,延伸产业链,提升煤炭产品附加值,统筹推进煤炭清洁高效利用。


注重股东回报,连续发布 19  -21 和 23  -25 三年高比例现金回报规划,每年以不低于可供分配净利润的 60%进行现金分红,近三年累计现金分红超 62  亿元,并通过管理层增持、控股股东增持、公司回购 3 亿元等举措积极回应市场关切。


平煤股份将通过规范公司治理,提升信披质量,加强与利益相关方的沟通,积极践行 ESG 治理,不断增强投资者关系管理的主动性和有效性,做好“价值创造、价值经营、价值传递”三个重点环节工作,系统性提高公司投资价值,努力建设“监管信任、市场信赖、股东有信心”的上市公司,助力公司价值和股东利益在资本市场得到充分实现。

The announcement said that in response to the Shanghai Stock Exchange's "Initiative on carrying out the special action of" Improving Quality and Efficiency and Repaying Returns "of Shanghai Stock Exchange companies, practicing the" investor-based "development concept of listed companies, further improving the quality of listed companies and safeguarding the interests of all shareholders, Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Industry Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the company) has formulated relevant action plans in terms of consolidating the main business, reform and innovation, returning shareholders, market value management, etc. Specific measures are as follows:

First, focus on the main business to improve quality and efficiency, and seek progress in strengthening the foundation

The company continues to focus on the "clean coal strategy", taking high-quality and low-sulfur main coking coal as the core product to build a well-known brand in the coking coal market, and the company's coking coal production plan is 13.05 million tons in 2024, achieving steady growth. The company actively implements special actions such as intelligent mine construction, separation of main and auxiliary, upgrading of standard, and comprehensive gas treatment.

Second, develop new quality productivity and promote green and low-carbon transition

The company's eastern mining area with an annual output of 300 million m3 green carbon reduction ground gas extraction and comprehensive utilization project achieved a major breakthrough, taking the lead in commercializing coal-bed gas utilization in Henan Province, and further reducing gas treatment costs; The company advanced layout, the construction of 6,000 tons/year coal-based carbon material coupling process technology pilot project, the direct liquefication of raw coal into new high-quality asphalt and other high-end functional carbon materials, extend the industrial chain, improve the added value of coal products, and coordinate the promotion of clean and efficient use of coal.

Third, actively return shareholders, and share the results of development with investors

Focusing on shareholder returns, the company has successively issued a high-proportion cash return plan for the three years from 19 to 21 and 23 to 25, and paid cash dividends at no less than 60% of the net profit available for distribution each year, with a cumulative cash dividend of over 6.2 billion yuan in the past three years. And actively respond to market concerns through management to increase holdings, controlling shareholders to increase holdings, the company to buy back 300 million yuan and other measures.

Fourth, standardize governance, deliver value, and create listed companies recognized by investors

Pingmei will standardize corporate governance, improve the quality of the letter, strengthen communication with stakeholders, actively practice ESG governance, constantly enhance the initiative and effectiveness of investor relations management, and do a good job in the three key links of "value creation, value operation and value delivery" to systematically improve the company's investment value. Strive to build listed companies with "regulatory trust, market trust, and shareholders' confidence" to help the company's value and shareholders' interests be fully realized in the capital market.

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