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摘要:3月25日,西南油气田公司七北 001-X3完成测试,获日产超150万方/天,无阻流量近500万方/天高产工业气流。至此,渡口河-七里北气田8口井均完成测试,创造了高含硫气井口口超百万的亮眼成绩。渡口河-七里北气田位于四川达州,是中国石油西南油气田公司增储上产的重点高..


3月25日,西南油气田公司七北 001-X3完成测试,获日产超150万方/天,无阻流量近500万方/天高产工业气流。至此,渡口河-七里北气田8口井均完成测试,创造了高含硫气井口口超百万的亮眼成绩。




西南油气田公司坚持科学钻井理念,优化细化提速措施,通过地质工程一体化加强过渡层和目的层研究,优化井眼轨迹,结合已钻井数据分析,建立可钻性剖面,优选钻头和提速工具,实时优化钻井参数。第二轮井平均机械钻速7.05米/小时,目的层平均机械钻速9.15米/小时,七北 001-X3井目的层平均机械钻速超过13米/小时,实现了四开 1-2 趟钻,整体机速和趟钻数较首轮井均有较大提升。其中渡001-X1井钻井周期首次在高含硫区块突破100天,同平台渡001-X2井钻井周期再次突破了100天。


组建专业导向团队,与前线指挥部联管。在钻达目的层前对靶体特征进行了充分分析,制定了精细的着陆和导向方案,并按照“地质-测井-物探”一体化设计和实时跟踪,持续优化导向模型,实时优化井眼轨迹,四开平均2.6趟钻完成进尺,平均储层钻遇率90%以上,其中渡004-H3井测试日产量超 200 万方。

On March 25, the seventh North 001-X3 of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company completed the test, achieving a daily output of more than 1.5 million square meters/day, and an open flow rate of nearly 5 million square meters/day. At this point, 8 Wells in Dukouhe-Qilibei gas field have completed the test, creating a bright achievement of more than 1 million Wells with high sulfur gas content.

The Dukouhe-Qilibei gas field, located in Dazhou, Sichuan Province, is a key high-sulfur project of CNPC Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company to increase storage and production. There are 8 Wells in 4 well sites, which are spudded in two rounds in the form of "5+3" with an average content of 16.5%, but the gas reservoir as a whole has good gas content.

In order to cope with the huge challenges such as high well control risk, difficult plugging and poor drillability of some formations in this block, Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company formulated a detailed construction plan and carried out fine management of the whole process. The relevant person in charge of Northeast Sichuan gas mine of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company said: "The first six Wells of Tieshan were efficiently completed, the rig speed was 840 meters per month, and the drill moved to Dukouhe-Qilibei. Under the premise of ensuring well control safety and well engineering quality, further summary and optimization were carried out from the aspects of well structure, well trajectory, anti-tilt straightening, personalized drill bit customization, completion operation, efficient leakage blocking, and scientific formulation of parameters."

According to the relevant person in charge of the development department of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company, the total depth of the eight Wells is 49,000 meters, the average drilling cycle is 123.75 days, 112 days ahead of the plan, the well quality and cementing quality have achieved standards and excellence, the average daily test output of the eight Wells exceeds 1.6 million square meters, and the safe, high-quality and efficient development of high-sulfur gas fields has been realized.

Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company adheres to the concept of scientific drilling, optimizes and refines the speed increase measures, strengthens the study of transition layer and target layer through the integration of geological engineering, optimizes well trajectory, combines the analysis of drilled data, establishes drillability profile, selects drill bits and speed increase tools, and optimizes drilling parameters in real time. The average ROP of the second round well is 7.05 m/h, the average ROp of the target zone is 9.15 m/h, and the average ROp of the target zone of the seventh North well 001-X3 is more than 13 m/h. The average ROP of the target zone of the seventh north well is more than 13 m/h, and the overall ROP and number of trips are greatly improved compared with the first round well. Among them, the drilling cycle of well Du 001-X1 exceeded 100 days for the first time in the high-sulfur block, and the drilling cycle of well Du 001-X2 on the same platform exceeded 100 days again.

In view of the difficulty of bearing pressure in the three-way formation of the first round of 5 Wells and the long operation time of completion, the second round of Wells successfully avoided the complex geological zone by optimizing the well structure, avoided the long-time plugging and pressure, and re-arranged the completion process, implemented the measures to effectively accelerate the progress of completion. The average completion period of the second round of Wells is 29 days, 7.3 days shorter than that of the first round of Wells, and the speed is increased by more than 20%. Among them, the completion period of the first round of Wells is only 22 days, and the qualified rate of liner cementing quality is 100%.

Set up a professional guidance team and coordinate with the front command. Before drilling the target, the characteristics of the target were fully analyzed, the detailed landing and guidance plan was formulated, and the guidance model was continuously optimized and the borehole trajectory was optimized in real time according to the integrated design and real-time tracking of "geology-log-geophysical exploration". The average penetration of 2.6 runs in four holes was completed, and the average drilling rate of the reservoir was over 90%. Among them, the daily test output of Du 004-H3 well exceeds 2 million square meters.

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