Cryogenic propellant liquefaction and storage for a precursor to a human Mars
责任编辑:hylng    浏览:5304次    时间: 2013-06-03 15:11:00      


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摘要:An analysis of cryogenic liquefaction and storage methods for in-situ produced propellants (oxygen and methane) on Mars ispresented. The application is to a subscale precursor sample return mission, intended to demonstrate critical cryogenic techn..


An analysis of cryogenic liquefaction and storage methods for in-situ produced propellants (oxygen and methane) on Mars is
presented. The application is to a subscale precursor sample return mission, intended to demonstrate critical cryogenic technologies prior to a human mission. A heat transfer analysis is included, resulting in predicted cryogenic tank surface temperatures and heat leak values for different conditions. Insulation thickness is traded of against cryocooler capacity to ®nd optimum combinations for various insulation con gurations, including multilayer insulation and microspheres. Microsphere insulation is shown to have promise, and further development is recommended.

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