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On March 28, the China National Coal Industry Association held the 2023 coal industry annual press conference in Beijing. Large coal enterprise groups, local governments, some coal associations, and more than 40 media journalists attended the meeting.

It provides a strong energy guarantee for national energy security and economic and social development.

He pointed out that the coal industry should attach great importance to the optimization of industrial layout, the continuation of coal mine resources, the transformation and development of old mining areas and other practical issues, deepen the supply-side structural reform, promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and the real industry, accelerate the promotion of intelligent construction and digital transformation, adhere to the reform direction of establishing a modern enterprise system, pay close attention to the safety of coal mine production, improve occupational health level, etc. Deepen high-level cooperation with foreign countries, strengthen the clean and efficient use of coal, accelerate the construction of a safe, efficient, intelligent and green modern coal industry system, enable the development of new quality productivity with high-quality and innovative coal workers, promote high-quality development at a new historical starting point to a new level, and make more contributions to the overall situation of the country with the "stability, progress and establishment" of the industry development.

Association policy research Department in charge of comrade issued the "2023 coal industry development Annual Report". The report reviewed and summarized the remarkable achievements made in the reform and development of the coal industry in 2023: The total supply of coal in the country reached a new high, the layout of production and development and the industrial structure continued to be optimized, the coal trading market system continued to improve, the leading role of scientific and technological innovation was fully brought into play, the construction of industrial personnel was fruitful, the capacity of corporate governance was significantly enhanced, the clean and efficient use of coal was promoted in an orderly manner, the ecological environment quality of mining areas continued to improve, and the construction of spiritual civilization in mining areas made positive progress. International cooperation has expanded in both breadth and depth, and solid steps have been taken in green, low-carbon transformation and high-quality development.

The report analyzes the economic operation of coal in 2023 and looks forward to the trend of coal market in 2024.

At the press conference, the National Energy Group and Shandong Energy Group introduced the reform and development of the unit in 2023, and proposed new goals and new measures for high-quality development in 2024, showing the good image of the coal industry in the new era of forging ahead.

Zhang Hong, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Association, answered the reporter's questions on hot issues in the development of the industry such as the peak of coal consumption, the role of coal backstop guarantee, and the development and utilization of coal resources.

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