甘肃公婆泉露天煤矿开工建设 产能300万吨/年
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摘要:据悉,公婆泉矿区位于马鬃山镇以东,行政区划属肃北蒙古族自治县马鬃山镇管辖。地理坐标为(1954北京坐标系):东经97°01′49″~ 97°04′15″,北纬41°46′15″~ 41°51′00″,属甘肃省矿产资源总体规划中规划开采矿区之一。矿区东西宽约4.8km,南北长约10.4km..


据悉,公婆泉矿区位于马鬃山镇以东,行政区划属肃北蒙古族自治县马鬃山镇管辖。地理坐标为(1954北京坐标系):东经97°01′49″~ 97°04′15″,北纬41°46′15″~ 41°51′00″,属甘肃省矿产资源总体规划中规划开采矿区之一。矿区东西宽约4.8km,南北长约10.4km,面积36.90km2。矿区共规划1座露天矿及1座选煤厂。




It is reported that Gongpo Quan mining area is located in the east of Ma Manshan town, the administrative division is under the jurisdiction of Subei Mongolian Autonomous County Ma Manshan Town. The geographical coordinates are (1954 Beijing coordinate system) : East longitude 97°01 '49 "~ 97°04' 15", north latitude 41°46 '15 "~ 41°51' 00", which is one of the planned mining areas in the overall planning of mineral resources in Gansu Province. The mining area is about 4.8km wide from east to west and 10.4km long from north to south, with an area of 36.90km2. A total of 1 open pit mine and 1 coal preparation plant are planned.

Gongpoquan open-pit coal mine area of 36.9 square kilometers, coal reserves of 97.38 million tons, estimated recoverable reserves of 70.25 million tons, coal mine design conventional production capacity of 3 million tons per year, while the design of 800,000 tons of annual reserve capacity.

On November 25, 2023, the Department of Natural Resources of Gansu Province listed the transfer of the mining right of Gongpoquan Coal mine, with a transfer period of 20 years and a starting price of 4.67 million yuan. The announcement of the transfer results released at the beginning of this year shows that the final bid was won by Gansu Yaomei Energy Co., Ltd. with 130.17 million yuan.

At the beginning of this year, Gansu Province released a list of major construction projects in 2024, of which 16 are related to energy, and the Gongpuquan open pit mine construction project is listed among them.

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