责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:176次    时间: 2024-09-04 13:54:51    | 来源:青海油田   


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“在仪器打靶工作时必须要紧盯电脑,对比观察原射孔层的 Sigma 值和长短源距变化,对于重点井段和问题井段都要及时复测,确保资料准确,尽力为油气藏措施提供可靠依据。”今年刚满28岁的工程班班长单体健是测试公司执行饱和度测井任务的一把好手,对于如何提高资料准确率,他简单说道。

Since 2024, with the upgraded PNN+2.0 technology, the test company has successfully completed 53 remaining oil saturation logging Wells in the field area, and 46 Wells have been completed, with a cumulative oil increase of 6214.3 tons.

Continuous innovation, improve new quality productivity

Saturation logging project has always been the "bottom of the box" technology of testing companies, which plays an important role in the eva luation of waterlogged layer, finding potential and unused layer, effective identification of gas layer, low resistivity oil and gas layer, low porosity and low permeability reservoir eva luation and other geological applications. In order to improve technical energy efficiency, in recent years, testing companies have intensified research on fluid identification in complex reservoirs, improved the detection depth, temperature resistance index and measurement accuracy of instruments, pioneered PNN+ and PNN+2.0 logging technologies, increased the data of low specific high energy (oxygen content curve), and effectively improved the understanding of flooding laws. It provides a scientific basis for the dynamic adjustment of oil field and the optimization of production scheme.

Accurate testing to provide accurate formation data

The test company always adheres to the working concept of "all test work to meet the needs of exploration and development of oil and gas reservoirs as the first priority", and takes it as its responsibility to recruit more accurate and original data in production. Saturation logging is required to be performed at a speed of no more than 4 meters per minute during each construction process. In order to protect the instrument, the instrument needs to rest for half an hour every 500 meters measured. The whole logging process is very long, and a little improper operation will lead to instrument damage and unqualified data.

"When the instrument is shooting, it is necessary to keep an eye on the computer, compare and observe the Sigma value of the original perforated layer and the changes in the short and long source distance, and timely retest the key and problem well sections to ensure the accuracy of the data and try to provide a reliable basis for the reservoir measures." Monomer Jian, who just turned 28 years old this year, is a good hand in the saturation logging task of the test company, and he said simply how to improve the accuracy of the data.

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